Yiddish Theater Stories Pre-Interview Questionnaire

Thank you for your interest in the Wexler Oral History Project’s “Yiddish Theater Stories” interview series.

To arrange to be interviewed for the series, please fill out this pre-interview questionnaire. The information you provide helps our oral historians tailor the interview to your unique life experience and allows us to do research in preparation for the interview. The more detailed you are in your responses, the better prepared we will be to do the best interview possible.  

You can complete the web-based form and submit it online, email us to request a paper copy, or call us at 413-256-4900, ext. 148, to fill it out over the phone. Once we receive the completed form, we’ll be in touch about scheduling an interview.

Our online form allows you to save a draft of your answers and return to it later. Click the “save draft” button at the bottom of the page and copy and save the secure link that appears in the green box at the top of the screen.

If your story is not related to Yiddish theater, please fill out our general pre-interview questionnaire instead. 

Have questions about the interview process? Check out our frequently asked questions pageemail us, or call us at 413-256-4900, ext. 148.

Contact Information
What is the best way to reach you?
What pronouns do you use?
Have you been in touch with someone from the Wexler Oral History Project?
Your connection to this interview series
Who do you know who was or is involved in Yiddish theater?
Please tell us about your background
Share as much or little as you like (e.g. I am single, married/partnered, divorced, widowed…a parent, mentor, great-uncle, caretaker, auntie).
Personal connections to Jewish and Yiddish culture
What are your personal connections (now or in the past) to the following aspects of Jewish language and culture? (Check all that apply)
Interview details
I'd like to record the interview in:
What is/are your preferred language(s) for written communication? (check all that apply).
This could include things such as support for low hearing or vision, a need to take breaks during the interview, sensory needs, or anything else that would be supportive and/or that you’d like to discuss with us prior to the interview.
We have the ability to conduct interviews in-person or remotely via Zoom. In which format would you like to conduct your interview?
If you would like to set up an in-person interview, are there COVID/heath safety measures you would like us to take?
If you would like to set up a remote interview, please let us know what device you plan to use for the interview.
Please help us keep our site secure by answering the question below.